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Lifting Weights

Fitness Tips & Health Advice

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Women in Fitness Clothes

Why is physical activity important?

Regular and adequate physical activity, defined as any bodily movement that requires energy, can reduce the risk of many noncommunicable diseases and conditions, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and colon cancers and depression.

Trans-fatty Acids

Trans-fatty Acids

The elimination of industrially produced trans fatty acids (IP-TFA) is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to prevent non communicable diseases, such as coronary heart disease



There has been a relatively substantial amount of research on plant-based diets and how they affect human health. These studies have examined everything from cancer to heart disease to diabetes and weight loss. Two significant forms of research are conducted when we look at how plant-based diets affect weight loss, observational, and intervention. Both are important for understanding how plant-based diets affect weight loss.

Fitness Class


Knee pain is common in physically active males and females. According to a new clinical guideline in the Journal of Sports Physical Therapy examining patellofemoral pain, approximately 25% of individuals will suffer from idiopathic (no specific onset) knee pain. In younger populations, knee pain is prevalent between the ages of 12 and 19 years old, with females more susceptible than males (Callaghan & Selfe, 2007; Willy et al., 2019).

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